Cages / Chastity belts

Showing 101–150 of 191 results

Showing 101–150 of 191 results

Control, frustration, sex reinvented, pleasure increased tenfold... the chastity cage offers couples new horizons and unprecedented sensations. The male chastity cage allows you to control your lover. It imprisons the penis and sometimes the testicles, and can be made of different materials such as silicone, plastic/polycarbonate or stainless steel.
With the chastity cage, you imprison his penis and decide when he will be able to cum. stops the possibility of having a full erection. It is often used to be more attentive to the other person and to reinvent relations without penetration / to create frustration for a more intense sexual act / to prevent masturbation / to establish a dominant/dominated relationship or to prove one's fidelity.
For beginners, it's best to opt for a silicone cage for its pleasant feel, or a lightweight polycarbonate cage that can be adjusted several times. Take care to select a chastity cage with dimensions adapted to your penis, its length/internal diameter.

Ready to discover this simple and highly effective way of spicing up your erotic life?